Where to get best bow in skyrim

Head over to the island of Solstheim , and go northeast of Fort Frostmoth into a shack called the Ramshackle Trading Post. Inside, there's a merchant named Falas Selvayn, and he'll usually be selling this bow. The enchantment on it is quite unique, which is what makes it worthwhile. For every 20 animals killed, the Dragonborn receives a special blessing of the Stag Prince, which can stack up to 80 animal kills.

Every blessing received increases Health and Stamina by 5 points. Ebony Bows are the next step from Glass Bows when it comes to random loot in chests. Once the player reaches level 36, they'll start to notice these bows and many other ebony items spawning in chests and on various enemies. The Ebony Bow is decently powerful. Its base damage is 17, and it can be crafted pretty easily if the Dragonborn is specialized in Smithing and has the right perks.

As mentioned, post-level 37 this should be fairly common loot and can be purchased from blacksmiths and general merchants as well. It has the same damage as ebony bows, but it's slightly lighter at 15 carrying weight.

These bows appear in loot on the island of Solstheim, and can also be purchased from two different merchants on the island. To create one, the player needs the Ebony Smithing perk, as well as three pieces of Stahlrim. The Daedric bow is definitely closer to end game damage and gear. In order to find one easily, the player should level up to They'll begin to appear in chests and other loot, and Revered Dragons might occasionally contain them as loot as well.

The Gauldur Blackbow made it to 8 mainly because of its enchantment. Paired with an above-average speed, the Gauldur Blackbow can absorb magicka more quickly than if paired with a Glass Bow. The ability can also be learned by disenchanting it at an Arcane Enchanter. Paired with an even faster weapon such as a dagger, the enchantment can be incredibly useful.

This will give you a detailed walkthrough of the Forbidden Legend quest, where you can obtain the Gaulder Blackbow. Remember, the max level for the Blackbow is Coming in at 7 is Zephyr. With the Arcane Blacksmith Perk, a Dwarven metal ingot can upgrade the weapon, which also benefits from the Dwarven Smithing perk. Zephyr has the highest damage per second of any weapon in the game, so why is it all the way down at 7? Despite its setbacks, Zephyr remains a high quality weapon.

Here is a detailed walkthrough of the Lost to the Ages quest and how to obtain this unique bow. Just above our halfway point is the Glass Bow of the Stag Prince. It can be upgraded at a grindstone using a refined malachite and also benefits from the Glass Smithing perk.

As with the Dwarven Black Bow of Fate, this stunning bow can only be obtained in Solstheim through the Dragonborn add-on. Looking to hunt for that sabre cat pelt to decorate your home instead of buying it? This is the weapon for you! To obtain this distinctive bow, one must travel to the Ramshackle Trading Post in Solstheim and buy it from Falas Selvayn. Here are some details concerning the purchase of the Glass Bow of the Stag Prince. At our halfway point we have the Stalhrim Bow.

Found in the Dragonborn add-on, this icy bow requires a Smithing level of 80 and the Ebony Smithing perk to create using 3 Stalhrim.

Although the Stalhrim Bow is heavier and slower in speed, it has a higher base damage than previously mentioned bows and has the added frost enchantment ability. Undoubtedly a unique-looking bow that fits in with the Solstheim culture. The ebony bow ranks in at 4. It is dark brown to blackish in color, staying true to what actual ebony timber from a tropical tree would look like. Once crafted, the ebony bow can be upgraded with an ebony ingot at a grindstone, and doubly improved with the Ebony Smithing perk.

Most likely if you have the Ebony Smithing perk you are aiming toward heavy armor anyway. The ebony bow is on the heavier side, which means it has a slower speed. All that being said, the appeal of crafting a bow yourself is you get to decide what enchantment to put on it. Additionally, ebony bows have a higher than average base damage, meaning quality wins over quantity. The Ebony Bow can be found during regular game play once you hit level 36, and enchanted bows drop at level They are found in random locations such as loot in chests, bought at blacksmiths and general goods merchants, and are wielded in particular by Draugr Deathlords and Draugr Death Overlords.

Near the top of our list is the Nightingale Bow, coming in at 3. This is a leveled bow, with the enchantments and base strength contingent on character level when you get the bow. Once obtained, it can be upgraded with an ebony ingot and the Arcane Blacksmith perk. Overall, Auriel's Bow is best for a vampire character, although it's powerful regardless of what type of build you're creating. The Nightingale Bow deals both frost and shock damage to enemies, a duo that isn't possible with most other weapons.

This enchantment is very unique, and it helps to defeat enemies quickly during combat since you are taking away their stamina and magicka. On top of this powerful effect, the Nightingale bow also deals 19 base damage. That's similar to the best non-enchanted bows in the game. This weapon's effect gives you a 50 percent chance to take 25 points of HP, stamina, and magicka from a damaged enemy.

What makes this enchantment so powerful is that you can take all three from the same enemy with a single hit. If you're looking for the strongest bow in Skyrim, then the Dwarven Black Bow of Fate is your best option. The webhead won't be enough to save Marvel's Avengers, but part of me wishes he was. Michael is a writer, game-player, and VR enthusiast. He has been a hobby writer all his life and is now a content writer for TheGamer among other gaming websites.

He is passionate about writing content that will entertain and share knowledge about his favorite games. An aspiring writer, Michael is just trying to share his passion for video games with the world.

The Best Bow For Beginners. Share Share Tweet Email. You can also get it at blacksmiths, general goods merchants, enemies or even as a random loot. It has the damage of 20 and the weight of This means its DPS is also pretty impressive. If you had to choose one bow, which would the best option for an archer? The Zephyr is also a pretty good bow in Skyrim even if the base damage is average, as it has one of the highest DPS due to its firing rate.

Stalhrim Bow The first on the list is Stalhrim, which is a bow commonly found in many areas. How to get it: There are plenty of ways to get it including buying it from general goods merchants, taking it from other enemies you kill, or even in loot chests. You can also craft it when you have a smithing level of 70 and the Glass smithing perk.

The enchantment to this bow deals frost damage to the health and stamina of enemies. Daedric Bow Next on the list is Daedric Bow, which is one of the best bows in the game. The Daedric Bow resembles a recurve bow, one you normally see in archery competitions. How to find it: For unenchanted versions, you can get it from chests or by revered or legendary dragons.

This bow can also be crafted with a level 90 smithing skill and the Daedric smithing perk. Zephyr Zephyr is a Dwarven bow that is attainable during a quest. It actually has one of the highest DPS in Skyrim, making it a really useful bow for archers.


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