Which seeds attract which moshlings
The order of the flowers do not matter at all. Only colours and the flower type. Some moshlings are as easy as cake to attract, where as others can be as hard as a rock! Flowers do take up to 6 hours to grow, so you need some patience and hope!
To get started, go to the seed cart, Main Street or The Port. Seed Cart, Main Street. Buy the three correct flowers for the moshling. Example: I want to get Snookums moshling. To get him, we need three Star Blossom flowers.
Buy them, then go to your moshling garden. Open the red pouch just like your chest at home, and drag the seeds to the dirt. Come back after 6 hours, and snookums will be there! To get Snookums his code is: Any 3 star blossoms. That means, any colour will attract him. You can't. Only certain seed combinations attract moshlings, so if you do not plant the correct seeds or if they do not grow into the correct colors, you will not attract a moshling.
To get random Moshlings, just buy any three seeds and plant them. Let the seeds grow and see if they attract a Moshilng to your garden. Super seeds help you catch rare Moshlings on Moshi Monsters. Most Moshlings can be attracted without being a Moshi Member. There are however some which need seeds from the Port.
A good place to find out about the Moshlings is the Moshi Monsters forum. Here you will find a list of all the Moshlings and hints and tips on how to attract them. You can not sell seeds or clothes on Moshi Monsters. Save the seeds so that you can use them to attract more Moshlings. The clothes stay in your Dressing Room. In the Moshi Monsters game, you can not get moshlings in the stores.
You plant seeds in your moshling garden to attract moshlings or, if you are a paid member, you complete Super Moshi Missions to get a moshling. To attract Moshlings you need to plant three seeds in your garden and work out the correct combination to attract them. You can buy seeds from the stand on Main Street or at the Port. There is no way to get all of the moshlings on Moshi Monsters without planting seeds.
Most of the moshlings are attracted by specific combinations of seeds and color of flowers. Other moshlings come when you complete a Super Moshi Mission. Moshlings are attracted one by one as each one likes different seeds. You cannot attract them all at once.
There are no cheats to attract Member Moshlings. If you aren't a member, then you won't be able to buy the member seeds from the port. No, but, there are some Moshlings that need member only seeds to attract them. You don't buy them.
You should plant seeds to attract them. Categories Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls Seeds. Universal Conquest Wiki. Dragon Fruit Grow these special seeds in your Moshling Garden and you'll soon have tasty Dragon Fruit springing up all over the place! Purplex to your garden. Magic Beans These beans really are bona fide Magic Beans. Moon Orchid Very attractive to werewolves Snap Apple A tricky customer this one, just as likely to take a bite out of you as you are of it, but it's the plant you're going to need to grow in your garden if you want to attract the likes of McNulty the Undercover YapYap of Honey the Funny Bunny.
Moshi Monsters Seeds. Standard Seeds. Member Seeds. Water AND air are both needed for seeds to germinate. The Moshling Garden is the place where users can plant different seeds to try and catch a Moshling.
The Moshling Garden can be found on the map next to the House and Dress Up Room, and you can also get to it from your main room by clicking on the garden door which is located next to the Food Factory door. Simple, by planting special seeds in your new garden.