Who is broadcast minister of india
Director Info. Under Secretary Vig. Section Officer Vigilance I. Section Officer Vigilance II. Asssistant Project Director. Section Officer BC-I. Section officer BC-II. Section officer DAS. Section Officer NMC. Section Officer BA-P 1. Section Officer BD. Section Officer B Fin. Section Officer FM Cell. Desk Officer F F.
Under Secretary Fin. Deputy Director EW. Section Officer PC Cell. Section Officer Fin. Section Officer PMS. Controller of Accounts. O Admn. Deputy Director General. Senior Technical Director. Legal Consultation. Canteen Manager. Get details in both Hindi and Users can access and download annual reports of the Ministry in two parts in English as well as Hindi. Find the telephone directory of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. Name, telephone numbers, fax numbers, email ids of the Minister and officials of the department are available.
Wing-wise details of the officials are also provided. Applicants can read the instructions in the form and fill up accordingly. Users can find the application form for migration from old guidelines to new guidelines for operating community radio station in India. This form is provided by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. You can find the application form for grant of permission for setting up community radio station FM radio. Applicants need to read the form carefully and fill up as per the instructions.
Find information about the Directorate of Film Festivals. Details of Sirifort Auditorium booking are provided for users. Get detailed information about different broadcasting systems provided by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. Details of broadcasting policies are also available. Information is provided on awards winning documentaries, rich films content, MIFF, film museum, distribution, production facilities and featured movies etc.
Details of production facilities, equipments and studio etc. Home Website of Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.