Who is lauda finem

Will he ever learn, most unlikely, as soon as his home detention and ban on using the Internet has finished the Fat Fraudster will be at it again, he can not help himself. Dermot Nottingham Insolvency Details. Phillip Raymond Nottingham, failed real estate agent, the brother and disciple of the recently convicted Dermot Nottingham , has long remained in his shadow. However, now that Dermot Nottingham is serving a sentence of home detention and community service after being convicted of five counts of criminal harassment plus two counts for breaching Court suppression orders, then Phillip Nottingham has had to take over the reins at laudafinem.

Dermot Nottingham also has serious health issues relating to his morbid obesity which helped him avoid jail by a slim margin, he has also been banned from Internet activity except with his parole officers permission.

Dermot Nottingham was sentenced to 9 months home detention and hours community service, Nottingham apparently only avoided jail because of his morbid obesity related health issues, while the Crown suggested he should lose weight, at over kg that seems the sensible solution.

But we guess he will have plenty of time to contemplate that while he serves his time on home detention. Haaaaaaa Haaaaaaaa Haaaaaaa and about time, you deserve it. We here at LF think not. But it is also clear from this that there is no honour amongst this lot, they are all vicious, even amongst themselves. The hapless Slater almost looks good in comparison to those who have been using and abusing him. And there is also evidence that [Deleted as per court order]is a party to other legal proceedings.

Lauda Finem and Cameron Slater may use different terms but it seems clear that an LF asset is the same thing as a Slater team member. Regardless of their semantics one could wonder whether people like [Deleted as per court order] are assets or liabilities.

Lauda Finem is a website that has mainly New Zealand orientated content and is clearly targeting a New Zealand audience. It has a reputation for personal attacks, lying and defamation, with potentially hundreds of people amongst the targets.

Disclosure: I have been a target of Lauda Finem and have been subject to attacks in several posts that contain a number of blatantly false claims and I believe it sometimes amounts to defamation. In my opinion they have a long record of making false accusations and making despicable attacks, and theer seems to be a lot intimidatory and threatening behaviour.

And they commonly accuse others of doing exactly what they themselves are doing. This post plus a more detailed post shows to some degree how closely associated [Precautionary delete] has been with the Lauda Finem website. I think that is at the very least very misleading. Denials of New Zealand associations are usually couched in vague language designed to imply no New Zealand connection rather than categorically deny. My posts will show that a significant part of many of Lauda Finem posts and much of their content is closely related to and involves [Precautionary delete] — who I believe lives in New Zealand.

He has probably featured in more Lauda Finem posts than anyone else. He has frequently been quoted and praised. He features in something like 90 posts, and sometimes he is virtually the sole focus of the post.

His name is repeated sometimes 20, 30, 40 times in a post. If you read and believed much of Lauda Finem you could easily get the impression that [Precautionary delete] is the most wonderful and truly great unsung hero in the world using some of their own words.

Nottingham could hardly praise himself any more than the frequent accolades he gets on Lauda Finem. I have collated quite a bit of information that demonstrates the attention given to [Precautionary delete]by Lauda Finem. It builds a picture of what sort of association Lauda Finem and [Precautionary delete] have.

That may be so but it leaves open many possibilities that could include co-operation, collusion, co-authorship, exchange of information etc. Some of those at least have taken place. It is long but I believe an important record — a record accumulated by what Lauda Finem themselves have collected, in their own words. My take on this? Lauda Finem state they have received information from [Precautionary delete]that they then posted:. Apparently [Precautionary delete]secured a video statement from the sister-in-law following a visit to the SFO.

LF however have the complete set, here in the Netherlands for safe keeping. They keep referring to ownership of the website, but ownership is not the issue here, it is the degree of association and collusion between Lauda Finem and [Precautionary delete] that is of critical interest.

We accept your apology and would suggest that you also apologise to Mr [Precautionary delete] for having wrongly assumed his involvement with Lauda Finem. We have made it clear on a number of occasions who owns, runs and contributes to Lauda Finem, on one occasion publishing an email we received from Fairfax Media NZ.

Indeed [Precautionary delete] would have the quite extraordinary ability to be omnipresent given that he lives in New Zealand and the team Lauda Finem are all in Australia. That was several years ago when one member and probably the official owner of Lauda Finem was based in Australia — believed to be Antony Nottingham. Lauda Finem now claim to operate out of the Netherlands and some claim that is where Antony Nottingham has moved. I know there is some Lauda Finem related activity from the Netherlands.

But it is obviously that Lauda Finem have close connections with New Zealand, and it seems with [Precautionary delete]. First a vote of support for Lauda Finem:. Good old LaudaFinem strikes yet again, shedding sunlight on a topical issue where our useless, idiot, pathetic, cowardly and very very stupid moronic media, utterly, yet again, fail to, in any and every single way possible.

This time, explaining the background to the aussie deportations: the vital why, not the what, but the why. The critical and crucial element to the issue that, yet again, our vapid Fourth Estate not just glosses lightly over but completely fails even to mention, let alone explicate in detail. A task that this intrepid overseas website does again and again and again and again. For example with his rape culture meme. Which also, I suspect with LA, would be fine too. Says a lot. FWIW I was surprised to read those posts too.

I thought PG is such a profound lightweight, why bother, who cares what he does. BTW, I know you pointed me to an article the idiot once wrote about me. Life is too short to waste time on thinking about thoughts emanating from a fool like him. Compared to sheeple cows can solve quantum physics and space travel and would get every single Nobel prize for both this and the next century, compared to the collective mind-power were it all combined, of sheeple.

They might misunderstimate their total and actual stupidity in the scheme of things, and start thinking things such as: Shillary would actually make a really good POTUS, and such-like.

Email Address:. Your NZ Free speech for those who don't threaten free speech. All posts tagged Lauda Finem. Nottingham fails again in Court of Appeal, judicial system faltering Another failed Dermot Nottingham attempt to get leave to appeal from the Court of Appeal, this time against myself and Allied Press Limited. Nottingham currently has three cases pending before the Supreme Court following other failed appeals — see Case information Further attempts at appeal would incur further costs.

Nottingham has incurred all the costs but has not been acting alone. The detail and nature of this evidence had not been provided to the defence prior to the presentation of the witness to the Court; Slater has been named by Nottingham as involved in ongoing attempts at litigation against me. Nottingham repeatedly ignored requirements.

A few examples from many from my proceedings. Posted in Crime. Blomfield versus www. COM It is hard to find any information about this. From sentencing notes: [22] Now, I make some findings of fact. A post in October Godaddy, our web hosting provider, has very kindly agreed to oblige a New Zealand court and hand over the domain laudafinem. A follow up post: Following on from our last post covering the Blomfield saga and his latest attempt to pervert justice LF have now been advised that the New Zealand Court decision enabling Kiwi lawyers to seize the LF site, in addition to the obvious lack of jurisdiction, may also breach EU laws on privacy, data protection, whistle blower, and journalist protections.

Posted in General. See NZH Blogger dodges prison over court suppression breaches, harassment campaigns The offending largely involved a website laudafinem. Open justice is an important part of our country. Conduct included: Repetitively publishing articles on Lauda Finem containing fictitious, offensive and defamatory material.

Repetitively publishing articles on Lauda Finem about associates and family members containing fictitious, offensive and defamatory material about those persons. Obtaining private photographs of the complainants and family and publishing those on Lauda Finem. Photographing or causing to be photographed for publication on Lauda Finem. Recording communications for publication on Lauda Finem m conjunction with offensive and defamatory material.

He makes the concession at paragraph 32 of his submissions that he has never denied that he has supplied information to the website, although he maintains his denial that he is the leading mind of that website or has any significant control over its operators [40] On the subject of cumulative sentences, Mr Nottingham simply states that is not appropriate. Tagged convicted , criminal harassment , Dermot Nottingham , Lauda Finem. Very funny, but probably unintentional.

Tagged laudafinem , Lauda Finem. This is great, about time serious action was taken against them. They frequently contradicted their own claims. Tagged court order , Lauda Finem. Vendettas and death notices Cameron Slater has claimed he has had death threats as a result of the news onslaught yesterday. Posted in Blogs , General. Whale Oil bail out Whale Oil is again asking for donations to bail Cameron Slater out of more legal costs. Such are the strange machinations of the law.

So we decided to just tough it out. Somehow, we always manage. According to this posted at The Daily Blog : Note: Bradbury spouts nonsense in his post but this appears to be provided material. And consider this comment at Lauda Finem, a site that often seems to have a close interest in matters related Whale Oil: That brings us to the subject of Matthew John Blomfield, a master of exactly this type of con-job. This could be the sort of thing that Blomfield refers to that stinks.

And another: Whale Oil Blogger Cameron Slaters bad dream — climbs into bed with arch nemesis Matthew Blomfield 4 September In the recorded telephone conversation, between Blomfield and [Delete as per court order] below … [Deleted as per court order] [Deleted as per court order], one of Slaters many sources, a man who was prepared to go public and stand by Slater in court…[Deleted as per court order]and others who had turned LF assets has assisted in obtaining reams of evidential material which LF has yet to publish.

Having had a little time to review a fraction of the material we, like Slater, received recently… This makes it fairly clear someone in New Zealand has been supplying both Slater and Lauda Finem with material. Back to the previous post: In doing so Blomfield had knowingly laid one of those false police complaints against Mr [Deleted as per court order], in fact it was the second in two years that [Deleted as per court order]had been subjected to, both of these complaints designed to intimidate [Deleted as per court order].

And he has also been the target of similar, like this in the same post as the emails: So is Cameron Slater a candidate for filthy Maggot cunt of the year?

Lie 1 — [Deleted as per court order] still lives in Auckland as far as I know. In August Lauda Finem claimed: We will say it once more, for the last time! Here are some brief examples.

First a vote of support for Lauda Finem: Good old LaudaFinem strikes yet again, shedding sunlight on a topical issue where our useless, idiot, pathetic, cowardly and very very stupid moronic media, utterly, yet again, fail to, in any and every single way possible. And ironic. He wasted quite a few words not thinking about me. Then where would we be.

Posted in Blogs. Tagged Kiwiblog , Lauda Finem , Reid. NZ Politics. Blog at WordPress. Latin respice finem. English look at the end. Latin me non lauda. English i err if he does not praise me,.

Latin finem temporum. English to the end of time. Latin finem lauda. English praise only at the end. English consider the end. Latin circa finem. English near end. English the last ones. Latin omnia finem. English end of everything.


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