Why does irelia keep getting nerfed

Lame, Camille is super fine. You literally contradict your own self. Sett was buffed, nobody cares. Kenchy reworked, who gives a damn, darius blood crown passive bleeding, garen the lame ass paladin..

Its called sattire. Its obvious you're an adolescent if you didn't pick that up. I suggest talking to children your own age as their iq will be about the same as yours. Never a huge fan of building DS but botrk trinity feels pretty squishy with how mid-game damage is nowadays.

Might be back to more shieldbow! Maybe the ballance team leader is a riven otp and is trying to get out of gold 4 Who knows. Just bring back pre-rework Irelia. She was fine idc about winrate and handless people who can't do fast E. Why put Camille and Fiora in the same basket as Riven?? Riven is the true OP shitness early to mid game, he other two are fine for now. Sunderer getting hit anyway. Starting to look like the mini rework was a failure in terms of putting her in a better spot balance wise.

That doesn't mean it's a failure lol. It's only been a month since the mini rework. Tbh, sunderer is a hell of an item, as any champion that can build it, is strong and this is stupid, anyway, we can build tryforce, ok. Yes, it was strong but why? Cause other mr items are shit. Can't you buff them and then nerf wit's? My guess is the don't want so many ADCs building wits. Surprised they aren't buffing Maw to be more attractive against steraks at the same time though. Maybe reduce the Q dmg on minons, dmg ratio for W, should be fine and fair.

Other than that would be ultra-lame and cowardly of them. Nerf the broken sword bitch Riven. Nah according to irelia mains, other players just suck and doesn't know how to play against her. Man, top lane has been getting nerf near non stop for months now.

Every patch is a champ or item nerf targeting top lane. Nooo, I had just switched to being an Irelia Mid main from being an adc. I hope it's smth good. I'm close to quiting irelia after 5 years because of how braindead the champ is rn. I get more joy playing against her than as her :. Its deserved man. I had never played irelia before and i started last patch and im doing well even tho i mess up my e half the time lol.

Does it? Champion gets slightly nerfed… See the parallels? Check her ban rate and go figure. Delusional irelia mains. I am a Fiora main too. And both of them are super strong. I don't even play mid. I just want the game to be better for everyone. Hardest champion to play? You Irelia wankers are out of your minds. Coming off of a recent rework, Irelia is receiving a major damage nerf to her kit. The jungle is going to be getting a little bit more interesting next patch with buffs to Nidalee and Shyvana.

The Nidalee health buff although relatively minor will make her more of an attractive pick. The Shyvanna buff will give her a much-needed boost to her clear speed thanks to reductions to her Q cooldown and an increased AP ratio. There are some changes in here however that do seem to miss the mark as well. For instance, who asked for the Wukong nerf? While reducing his HP5 Health Regen. Wukong has been one of the best in the top lane for pretty much all of season He is a jack of all trades but the thing that really sets him apart is his incredibly strong double knock-up mechanic.

So while this health regen. Riot Games. Next: Patch Blog of Legends 4 months League of Legends: Patch Streaming More Netflix News ». Modified 28 Sep Feature. Now that worlds is locked in we're back to a more normal patch. We're following up on a few changes that overshot a bit and otherwise doing some adjustments for soloq champs.

Let me know what you think! We tend not to show projects like this so early in dev because it often takes a while to finish and ship them. Riftmaker buffs incoming as Riot outlines item updates in League of Legends patch Edited by Ravi Iyer. League of Legends PC Games Sort by: Most popular Recent Most upvotes. Login to post your comment.


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