Why is nunu a good counter jungle
Just take his farm to try and punish him. You will always win the 1v1 against him. Try ulting before he Ults so you can attack him with clone his entire ult.
After his ult ends the clone is dead which will fear him after aswell. If not try to dodge his ult damage with Ult. Also, try to stay away from him. Tips: Bait his W with your ult before jumping , fight him only near bushes. Nunu is really annoying to play agasint because his whole kit counters Rengar.
If you are even you win after lvl 6 but if you are sligthly behind you lose. Nunu is one of the only champions in the game who can rival skarner's mobility especially with the common phase rush build run by many nowadays. He also provides a ton of cc and is very hard to kill. Nunu is underrated in my opinion so care because although he may not be able to kill you, he can thwart many of your plans such as ganks and dragons.
Dark Aura Rank 1 Kayn. S11 Challenger guide. So you just need to dodge his snowball if he has one charged up. Be careful when he has level 6 and have your W ready to cancel it out. Once you get Kraken slayer you can beat him in a 1v1. The safe option is Aftershock with unflinching to ignore his slows. Dodge his snowball will make it much harder for him to proc aftershock, making him very vulnerable to burst damage. Challenger best kayn EUNE guide.
You can kill him otherwise until he gets too tanky. He can hyper gank and totally ruin the game for you before you even get a chance to play and most of the time he's going to be too tanky to merit killing unless you are ahead. Vs him you will basically always want Kraken. Really easy to beat in 2v2s and 3v3s.
Dont Be Skared anymore on the Rift with this Skarner guide. Be sure to punish this as much as possible with counter ganks or counter jungling. You're almost guaranteed to be behind early but your team fighting should be stronger in the mid game, so try to get there without conceding too much in laning phase. Lolipoppy jg by NiroMcnuggets Poppy Player. Dominate Games with Rengar!
He has better ganks, objective control, duelling, clear etc. You gotta try and outdo him on all those fronts. Dominate your opponents with AP Shaco jungle! Nunu just likes to spam ganks so track him for potential counter ganks. And the champ is busted. A lamp enthusiast's guide to jax jungle by Watsonthe8th Jax Player. He becomes unable to slow with your wall when he has his snowball. He also does ridiculous amounts of damage while building tank and healing a lot. Tanky and with the snowball he can get onto you very fast Use W to save you here and don't take the 1v1.
But just R on his R and you win. However, you can ult when he ults which is very useful. Clears super healthily and can eventually outscale you because he takes 0 damage. You HAVE to get ahead early if you want to win. You need to bring someone to kill him because he will run at MS because of Phase Rush. Will chase you down if you have no ult escape.
He has much better objective control and wins skirmish with his w, If W is baited out you can win fights. Otherwise play away from him - he can't really bully you unless you int into him.
Lots of CC, he has healing with his Q, and his R counters yours. He will be ganking a lot throughout the game, so try to set up vision to help your laners.
Fiddlesticks Jungle He can very easily invade you and can safely get out due to his movement speed and tankiness and you don't really outscale him. You can beat him, but just know your life is going to be really annoying, just make plays on the other side of the map. CrackWick - If he builds AP he can do a lot of damage so be carefull.
Elise Jungle by At0mikx Elise Player. Even Rhaast has trouble taking him down. Kayn Jungle After a few levels you should have no problems 1v1 with him, but don't underestimate him either as he can still pack a punch and stick to you with his E. He will likely try hard to control the map objectives so be sure to ward early and try to keep control of them yourself.
He is good in all phases of the game and synergies with his teammates, so be careful about his ULT when teamfighting around drake, baron or all kind of teamfights.
Win the objective game and open a hole by ulting him if you have to. Your Q is useful here. His ult directly counters your own and you will struggle to fight him because of his Q healing.
Play with your team and counter gank. You better run when you see him because once he gets your hands on you with his teammates, you're gonna have a bad time. In a duel, you always win, hands down. However, his utility in a teamfight can be troublesome, so try to catch him when he mispositions or when separated from the rest of his team.
His double smite makes it easy for him to steal and secure objectives, so avoid going for neutral objectives if you don't know where he is. He's super easy to block off with your wall, so you should never have any issues with him unless you make a major mistake. The sneaky seducer by Enpo Evelynn Player.
His CC and tankiness makes him hard to invade. You will need help from laners to keep him out of the game. He can also run you down with his E which slows and stuns you. His Q also helps him get objectives so you cant drake or herald when he is around your area. Elise in depth guide by chasemyman1 Elise Player.
In a 1v1 you will not have a problem fighting him but he can travel the map much faster than you. Best SoloQ Jungler S10 However, he has no hard CC to stop you from killing his teammates. Use defensive wards to scout his invades and steal his camps while he takes yours.
Beware of counterganks post-6, since his R makes it difficult to ignore him in 2v2s. You can still win the game if you out-gank him early, but he scales into a strong team fighter, so don't slack on pressure and make sure your teammates can carry you later once he gets tanky. Make sure to always have vision on drag. Your w can stop him from running with snowball, but the ball still rolls forward.
Jungle Singed Speed Demon However it becomes difficult to collect and objectives unless he's dead due to his Q smite combo. Nunu also is no threat in a 1v1 sitation and a well times Rek'Sai R will get you out of her ultimate.
You can either look to countergank if your jungle tracking is on point, or just contest scuttles and his jg, and be ahead, and then ignore him and make your own plays around herald and plates. Nunu is VERY weak early game. Make sure to mirror his path and force skirmishes.
Nunu will prioritize dragon's early game. It's hard to win 1v1s early due to his Q healing, so you need to rush Executioner's Calling in order to duel him. Try to play around walls and corners to dodge his W.
You can also move out of his R with your E, but don't use it too early as the radius is very large and it will still slow you if you don't escape in time. If you get caught by his Snowball he can lock you down kill you. Kindred Jungle Guide All Matchups.
Make sure to read notes by DarkArbalist Kindred Player. Invade him vigorously, but be careful if he builds AP, he can dish out some surprising damage later on. He will probably gank at level 3, and will have a strong map presence. Contesting objectives will be so difficult. Nunu isn't to be taken lightly early however.
Beware of counter ganks. Jungle Qiyana?! Ignore him. Gank more than him. They'll never look to 1v1 you, but they'll always look to countergank or solo a drake. Always have rift or drag warded and spam ping when you have the slightest suspicion they might be at either.
All depends on your macro. Sett Jungle, The Guide. Summoner Spells. Skill Order. Item Build. Build Counters Tier List. Fiddlesticks The Harbinger of Doom. Zac the Secret Weapon. Maokai The Twisted Treant. Xin Zhao Seneschal of Demacia. Maokai Twisted Treant. Sejuani Winter's Wrath. Trundle Troll King. Gragas Rabble Rouser. Most Popular Matchups League of Legends most often picked champions vs Nunu, this is often heavily influenced by champion popularity.
Lee Sin Blind Monk. Kha'Zix Voidreaver. Elise Spider Queen. Champions Good With These champions are good to pick with, as they synergize and work well when played together. Kai'Sa AD Carry. Miss Fortune AD Carry. Mordekaiser Top. Vex Mid. Riven Top. Urgot Top. Anivia Mid. Zed Mid.
Lucian AD Carry. Malphite Top. Lux Mid. Senna Support. Pyke Support. Ezreal AD Carry. Sett Top. Jinx AD Carry. Morgana Support. Leona Support. Kennen Top. Zilean Support. Alistar Support. Qiyana Jungler. Gragas Jungler. Poppy Jungler. Fiddlesticks Jungler. Vi Jungler. Trundle Jungler. Post a Comment Your name: Comment:. All rights reserved. Also available on Android.