How can terrorism be ended

As a government, ISIS is not the first to impose brutally harsh rule on the people under its control—the Taliban in Afghanistan was known for many of the same practices, including beheadings and public executions, and the current government Saudi Arabia uses the tactics too. ISIS has shown an ability to export violence to civilians beyond its territory—countries from Iran to Cuba have done the same. And there is even recent precedent for a government based on a cult-like figure claiming divine qualities and intent on global domination.

As the terrorism scholar Brian Michael Jenkins pointed out recently:. The Mahdist State ended at the start of the twentieth century, its global ambitions never realized. One thing ISIS does excel at is amplifying the perception of the threat it poses to Westerners, and Americans in particular. Actually killing Westerners is only a small part of how it does this.

In , suspected Libyan intelligence agents blew up Pan Am Flight over Lockerbie, Scotland, killing people onboard and 11 on the ground. More recently, al-Qaeda has pulled off mass-casualty attacks in Europe, including the Madrid train bombings of , which killed people, and the London transportation bombings of , which killed Is the Middle East itself really the root of the terrorism problem for the West? But terrorist violence continues to take many forms around the world.

The New America Foundation has tallied up deaths from terrorism in the United States in the nearly 15 years since those attacks and found a total of Among people charged over the past decade and a half in the U.

The London bombings were carried British citizens. The Paris attackers were mainly French and Belgian nationals. He is hugely important as a spiritual leader within the organization and as self-described commander of the faithful.

What we do. Countering terrorism. The OSCE implements effective measures to countering terrorism, as a serious crime that has no justification, whatever its motivation or origin may be. OSCE participating States agree that terrorism is one of the most significant threats to peace, security and stability, as well as to the enjoyment of human rights and social and economic development, in the OSCE area and beyond. Terrorism seeks to undermine the very values that unite the OSCE.

Countries with truly effective counter-terrorism strategies recognize the value of involving local communities, the private sector, the media, and other groups in society. They also encourage the exchange of intelligence, information, and expertise between national agencies and across borders. The broader the response, the more effective it is likely to be. The road ahead Over the past ten years, we have seen states try a variety of approaches to reduce the chance of terrorists succeeding. The United Nations has provided guidance and support in their endeavors, focusing on areas where we have a comparative advantage.

As a leader in the global fight against terrorism, our Organization will continue to press Governments to adopt comprehensive national strategies that balance hard-end security measures with social, economic, and community-driven policies that are grounded in the rule of law. The truth is that measures that try to take shortcuts or are not respectful of international human rights norms can actually undermine the collective effort by bolstering resentment in parts of the community and providing grist for terrorist groups' propaganda mills.

In the coming years, we will do more to help countries improve their internal coordination and their cooperation with neighbours. But breaking down institutional barriers and building trust between competing agencies as well as across borders takes time. The regional and global events we organize aim to facilitate those processes, giving professionals an opportunity to meet face to face and brainstorm on good practices.

Once back home, they can implement the lessons learned and call on their international network for support. We work with bilateral and multilateral agencies that can share their expertise with countries in need of technical assistance. Services available include drafting national laws, training prosecutors and judges, and linking national databases to border posts. The United Nations can also offer support with, for example, education programmes aimed at building tolerance in communities and development projects directed at improving governance.

Our bird's eye view has allowed us to follow counter-terrorism developments across the globe, learning along the way what works and what does not. And when I consider what we have already achieved, I am optimistic about what we can accomplish together as nations and people of the world over the next decade. Working as one, we can significantly reduce the number of attacks and victims and, hopefully, one day eliminate the terrorist threat completely.

The development of conflict-sensitive approaches highlights how sustainable development can be made more effective through a consideration of peace and security. Despite numerous challenges and obstacles, which are far greater now than prior to the events of August , there are still many ways for the international community to help education move forward in Afghanistan.

As we find ourselves in the greatest education crisis of our generation, literacy interventions can act as an antidote to the long-term effects of COVID Skip to main content. Toggle navigation Welcome to the United Nations.


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