How does rheumatic fever get inside the body
Goldman-Cecil Medicine. Updated by: Linda J. Editorial team. Symptoms can affect many systems in the body. General symptoms may include: Fever Nosebleeds Pain in the abdomen Heart problems, which may have no symptoms, or may lead to shortness of breath and chest pain Symptoms in the joints can: Cause pain, swelling, redness, and warmth Mainly occur in the knees, elbows, ankles, and wrists Change or move from one joint to another Skin changes may also occur, such as: Ring-shaped or snake-like skin rash on the trunk and upper part of the arms or legs Skin lumps or nodules A condition that affects the brain and nervous system, called Sydenham chorea can also occur.
Symptoms of this condition are: Loss of control of emotions, with bouts of unusual crying or laughing Quick, jerky movements that mainly affect the face, feet, and hands. Exams and Tests. Tests may include: Blood test for repeated strep infection such as an ASO test Complete blood count CBC Electrocardiogram ECG Sedimentation rate ESR -- a test that measures inflammation in the body Several factors called major and minor criteria have been developed to help diagnose rheumatic fever in a standard way.
The major criteria for diagnosis include: Arthritis in several large joints Heart inflammation Nodules under the skin Rapid, jerky movements chorea, Sydenham chorea Skin rash The minor criteria include: Fever High ESR Joint pain Abnormal ECG You'll likely be diagnosed with rheumatic fever if you: Meet 2 major criteria, or 1 major and 2 minor criteria Have signs of a past strep infection.
All children will continue the antibiotics until age Teenagers and young adults will need to take antibiotics for at least 5 years. Outlook Prognosis. Rheumatic fever can cause severe heart problems and heart damage.
Possible Complications. Long-term heart problems can occur, such as: Damage to heart valves. This damage may cause leakage in the heart valve or narrowing that slows blood flow through the valve. Damage to the heart muscle. Heart failure. Infection of the inner lining of your heart endocarditis. Swelling of the membrane around the heart pericarditis. Heart rhythm that is fast and unsteady.
Sydenham chorea. Globally, RHD is estimated to affect more than 15 million people per year and cause more than , deaths. The inflammation causes permanent damage to the heart, most commonly the mitral valve, the valve between the upper and lower chambers of the left side of the heart. Other conditions that may develop if there is damage to heart tissue, the mitral valve, or other heart valves include:. RF is now rare in developed countries, but it remains a risk elsewhere.
Researchers continue to seek effective ways to prevent RF and its complications. The main cause of RF is Group A streptococcus GAS , a bacteria that can cause infections such as Strep throat with or without scarlet fever and skin infections like impetigo , and cellulitis. Genetic factors may increase the risk. The chance of having RF appears to be higher if another family member has had it. Strep bacteria have a protein that resembles one found in some body tissues. In RF, the tissues that they attack are those of the heart, joints, central nervous system CNS and skin.
These tissues react by becoming inflamed. If a patient with Strep bacteria takes a complete course of antibiotic treatment, the chances of RF developing are very low. In 8 out of 10 cases, the signs and symptoms of RF resolve within 12 weeks. Between 30 and 45 percent of people with RF will develop heart problems. Recurrences of rheumatic fever often occur within 5 years. In the past, RF was a major cause of mortality, but now this is rare in industrialized countries. However, RF is fatal in 1.
Environmental factors, such as overcrowding, poor sanitation, and poor access to healthcare increase the risk of developing RF.
Leaving strep throat or scarlet fever untreated or partially treated by not finishing a complete course of antibiotics increases the risk of RF significantly. Endocarditis is a potentially serious infection and inflammation of the heart muscles and valves. Practicing good dental hygiene could help prevent it. Glandular fever, or infectious mononucleosis, stems from a viral infection. It causes fatigue, swollen glands, a sore throat, and other symptoms.
If a person has a sore throat, checking the tonsils can help to identify the cause. They are most at risk if they:. The symptoms usually start about 1 to 5 weeks after a child has been infected with strep bacteria. Common symptoms can include:. Unusual jerky movements, most often of the face and hands. This is often noted by a change in a child's handwriting. These symptoms can seem like other health conditions. Have your child see his or her healthcare provider for a diagnosis.
Your child may also have tests such as:. Blood tests. These are done to look for signs of inflammation, recent strep infection, and other related problems. Electrocardiogram ECG. This is a test that records the electrical activity of the heart. It shows abnormal rhythms and detects heart muscle damage.
Throat culture. A swab is wiped on the throat. This is done to look for the strep bacteria. It will also depend on how severe the condition is. Treatment for strep. The first step is to treat the strep infection with antibiotics. This is done even if a throat culture is negative. Your child may need to take monthly doses of antibiotics.