What kind of autumn am i
This is where the updated Color Me Beautiful typology based on 12 instead of 4 types comes in. In order to a accomodate for people whose colouring is close to neutral in either variable and b to differentiate a bit better within the seasons, they added a secondary factor. This secondary factor depends on your colouring's most defining quality: light, deep, clear, soft, warm or cool. Your secondary factor can help you further narrow down your own seasonal colour palette and also show you which neighboring palette might contain some shades that suit your colouring as well.
If you are interested in the whole colour typing idea and considering to adjust your wardrobe accordingly, I strongly recommend you figure out your secondary factor as well as your base season. It will just give you a much more accurate idea of which colours suit your individual complexion - if you are going to use any kind of typology, do it right.
Here's a run-down of the six secondary factors:. Light: You are either a light Summer or a light Spring. Your hair colour is light blond or light brown , your skin is light for your ethnicitiy and your eyes are either a light blue, green or grey.
You look best in the soft, light and muted shades of your colour palette, e. Deep: You are either a deep Autumn or a deep Winter.
You have dark brown or black hair and deep brown, green or hazel eyes. You look amazing in the deep, vivid shades of your palette, e. Warm : You are either a warm Spring or a warm Autumn.
Your overall colouring has a distinctive warm undertone to it. Your hair is either golden blond to brown, or strawberry blond to deep auburn. Your eyes are green, topaz, hazel or light to medium brown. You best suit the mid-range colours in your palette that are neither too intense nor pale, e. So, you mostly fall into the Deep dominant trait category. I analysed ladies with brown and black skin tones, and they were Deep Winters most of the time, only once a Deep Autumn.
I know that there are ladies with red hair or lighter eyes who have tan or deeper skin tones, but they are exceptions. Based on my experience, with tan, bronze or darker skin tones, you are most likely a Deep Winter or a Deep Autumn, maybe one of the Soft seasonal palettes, in a rare case, a Warm Autumn.
That is why I only demonstrated fewer celeb examples. I have curly mousy in between blonde brown hair, a nice tan, extremely dark brown eyes and pale lips. The test described me as pale and light toned all over, so I knew that was wrong. What am I really? People of color cannot rely on quizzes like this that are not made for us. It is most helpful to compare your coloring in relation to others in your ethnic group. For example, as an African American, I am medium brown when compared with lighter and darker skinned black people.
If I compared myself to white people, I will always be dark. I think sometimes we forget, because of Hollywood, advertising, etc. I think this is well-done. Though I never fit neatly into any of these categories… Thanks! What about darker skin tones?
There are no options for black skin colours and only one black celeb! The darkest colour listed is medium, why did you leave off the skin tones of so many people?! I illustrate the seasonal palettes with more than one celebrities in the last question with deeper skin tones as well. Girl, they put Lupita and Jlo as the same seasonal sisters… as a latina I had a really hard time selecting my answers. As it stated, this is a free and fun quiz to find your dominant characteristic light, deep, soft, clear, cool, or warm.
Lupita and J Lo both has deep dominant traits that is why they are in the same option. The question asks about you and your seasonal color sister… As a Latina, you probably have the deeper traits so the moderately bright and rich colors flatter your look. Finding your season is more about undertones and intensity. You are probably a Winter cool or Autumn warm , and your intensity could vary between bright, clear, or soft more to do with your eye color and overall contrast.
To be honest, the examples shown with lighter people are so because the varieties are found more on fair to medium groups. But anyway, your season is more about your undertone. Start with knowing if you are warm or cool which is simple — which colors look best on you, warm or cool? Perhaps read more of the research provided to understand the difference about seasonal palettes versus skin color — it is not the same at all.
Thank you for this informative and helpful comment. I know that there are ladies with red hair or lighter eyes who has tan or deeper skin tones, but they are exceptions. If you have warm characteristics, orange will compliment that, and if you have cool the purple shade will match you. I have taken quizzes like this many times. I have pale skin, more pink than yellow. My hair was dishwater blonde naturally, though I have colored it much of adult life.
In my 40s I went back to my natural color. My hair began to become pale, yellow blonde, which I finally realized was gray-white hair with natural highlights. My hairdresser said people pay lots to have that I tended to have naturally.
I color it now dark blonde. I have been told by color analysts that I am summer or spring or autumn. I have always been a spring but now my hair has turned silver and my eyes have faded to a very light blue. I think I am a winter now very tan as I live in florida but have no clue which of the three types of winter. I would like to get a fan but need some more choices on the quiz to decide the appropriate one.
Hello Martha, Thank you for taking my quiz. As I stated above, this is just a fun and easy quiz, not a professional color analysis. This is a big misunderstanding. If you were a Spring before, you are a Spring now as well just with lighter and softer contrasts. For example, a Warm Spring could flow toward the Light Spring palette. It is physically impossible to jump from a light and warm season, like the Spring, to a high contrast, cool and vivid palette like the Winter.
Some of colours work.. Could I be a soft summer type? I was a little confused when taking your quiz but I think your analysis was great.
All of your models were young, and no one with white or grey hair. Am I warm or cool summer. I was wondering if it was possible for me to email photos of my face sans makeup to see if you could verify that you agree with the color palette the quiz returned?
I took the quiz and got a spring pallete since I have honey golden blonde hair and baby blue eyes, but my skin is very pale with some red undertones. I found your site when I was going through seasonal complexion quizes. There are a lot of questions that I feel like I fit into multiple answers; I have light ash brown hair, but there are golden and copper highlights, especially toward the ends. I have green eyes that seem warm—there are specs of yellow and the border of my iris is greyish blue.
My skin is neutral, but sometimes in the winter I have to go to a lighter cool porcelain foundation. Some of my veins are blue, some are green. I feel like I look good in bright lipsticks, but not bright clothing.
What are the different packages where you can select for me? What the hell I am? This sounds just like me. What answer did you get on the quiz? Where can I find the free Quiz for men? Took your test, it came out cool Winter.
Then I had my colors professionally done in the UK. Again, I tested Cool Winter. Your test was right on! Both tests have given me the courage to stop coloring and go gray. I am confused. Dark brown eyes without big contrast on my iris,brown dark hair and porcelain cool skin. With blue undertones my skin. Dark doesnt suit me. It makes my face very hard. What is my season? Pretty nice post. I just stumbled upon your blog and wished to say that I have really enjoyed browsing your blog posts.
Hi, thank you so much for your notice. Thank you. I contacted my developer and I hope he will help me solve the issues as soon as possible.
This post was extremely fascinating, particularly because I was browsing for thoughts on this subject last Friday. Not all traits are included and so its hard to chose. I also think lips without lipstick should be noted because my daughters are a soft pink and mine are a deep deep pink.
It could pass for warm or cool depending on the season. When I was young it was level 5 brown with gold and bronzed copper in it and people thought I tipped the ends of my hair but it was just that way with each passing decade its changed a lot. Hairdresser told me recently that your hair changes colour every 7 years of your life!
Made sense to me, I have gone successively darker. I have had multiple real life colour analysis which ends up different each time with them scratching their heads. In the end I get a swatch that I try to follow and end up with colours I hate! I call it Toxic Wardrobe Syndrome! So, am I in fact a Toned Winter, who looks like an autumn due my skin tone? Hello Mariah, thank you for trying out my quiz but as I mentioned it at the beginning of the page: that is not a professional color analysis.
I give three options at the end because it could show the differences. If you wish, send me a couple of photos of your face to hello 30somethingurbangirl.
According to your description, I think you are probably one of the Deep seasons and because of you have more warm traits, you could be a Deep Autumn. This quiz is obviously based on the "dominant trait" school of colour analysis where you 1st decide the dominant trait, i.
Although, every time the first 3 options were partly different, depending on the slightly different answers to some of the questions, as for most of them different answers are possible, e.
Well, when I was little I used to have golden-ish blonde hair which darkened and faded over the years to a mousy colour. The soft autumn color palette is made up of rich earthy tones. I created a video to break it down in Your Color Style language to show you how soft summer and soft autumn are different… and to help you figure out which one you might be. What is the difference between warm autumn and war spring? In photos, you see similar people.
Both seem to have women with red hair, for example. The color palettes look very similar. I explain each season in terms of Your Color Style so that you can learn what color palette will look best on you.
What is the difference between deep autumn and deep winter? They are both deep. They both seem to have dark eyes and dark hair. So, how can you tell if you are a deep autumn or a deep winter? Use the tools to put your photo into rings of color and follow the videos to figure out your best color palette.
Get instant access to this FUN course. Although a lot of the colours i felt comfortable with, some i didnt! Why when you state the 'best colours' for someone, do you use colour names that you don't actually have in your colour selection "Your best colours as a Soft Autumn are sage green, oyster white, palest old gold and warm grey"?
Kettlewell Colours: Apologies, I'm afraid that that series of blog posts were written some time ago - hence the inclusion of colours we no longer stock. We are planning to revisit these blog posts to bring them up to date. You should be able to find similar colours on our 'Shop by Colour' page for Autumns. Hi, please help! I'm a soft and warm Autumn. Can you advise me best Kettlewell colours please. And how to look soft and muted!
Kettlewell Colours: Hi Anne, if you have been told you are soft and warm, then I think you must have been analysed tonally. This does equate to an Autumn according to seasonal analysis.
You can find your best colours by going to Shop by Colour in the navigation on our website and then choosing Tonal Directions. You can then go to Soft dominant colours. The advice is "To achieve harmony and balance, you can wear tone-on-tone shades from the same colour group.
Darker colours from your palette can be worn with shades that are one or two tones lighter. Use contrast with care and avoid vibrant colours. This is super! However I have a bit of a dilemma I had my colours done a few weeks' ago and was told I am a 'blue autumn', however my WOW colours fall into Soft and Warm autumn.
How can this be? Kettlewell Colours: It may be that the specific combination of colours that your consultant saw as your wow colours involved both soft and warm autumn colours, but she felt your overall palette was more in the 'blue' category a 'soft blue' Autumn is not unheard of, and you may fall closer to that categorisation.
If you feel unsure, do have a conversation with your consultant to clarify. Your blog and color palette has been extremely helpful. Unfortunately, I'm Asian and warm toned. I used an app to grab the Red, Green, Blue values of my skin coloring. Lots of red, lots of green, and not so much blue. I fell in the orange-brown-yellow categories. Turns out, I'm a deep warm tone.
Cannot wear any of the lighter colors especially gray. Blue is my complementary color so it makes me look like I have dark circles under my eyes and my skin looks greenish bluish. True green is terrible on me since it is the complement of red. And light olive makes me look sickly.