What was avatar edited on
It has a few thousands AMD cores. It also uses Linux OpenSuse. Houdini has been used to create stunning digital animation in blockbuster films, including: Avatar, ….. I think it would be really cool to see it.
Especially because some of the Software are compatible on both. If anyone is interested, I have done a 45 minute on making of Avatar. It has some really cool footage and some new information. Hope it is OK to post links here. Thank you for understanding.
Thanks for clarification Robert. Wrong again. Nuke was also used halfway in the post production process. So Nuke is used for compositing. Please remove the previz. I found very infromative post here. Thanks for sharing. Once again thanks. Very rocking movie. Adobe advertised every single piece of tech they had — even the fact that Flash was used to make the Avatar website.
I really cant believe that people are arguing about props!!! What makes avatar special its character animation,Weta use Maya with renderman.
As for comp i hear they use shake mainly but they want a full site lincense deal with Nuke so they are bullshit around about ocula.
Autodesk its a shitty company they destroy everything they buy,look mental ray they pretty fuckup the connection with Maya. Lightwave was the main workhorse to build the virtual sets mainly because we had a ton of assets that had to be created daily based on concept designs given us by the concept artists. The fast worflow enabled us to keep up with massive workload.
Much of what we created in 3d was inspected by James Cameron himself and would be appr oved by him and put into the sets under his direction. The virtual sets had to look as photoreal as possible and those were passed along to Weta for uprezing and placement. Lightwave was definately the workhorse during this phase. We did also use Maya and Motionbuilder but most of what was done in Maya at that stage was mainly to help translate assets from LW into motionbuilder.
Whether or not anything else could have kept up with the workload is debatable to some degree. I know that the Maya artists had a difficult time keeping up with a fraction of what we were doing with LW.
The point here being that despite the hype I know what was used and how much it was used firsthand on one of the most important phases of the film.
Thank you for your feedback, Larry. I wish more people who were directly involved would chime in with their experiences. This is just reality. So I would think its more to do with the TOOL than the artist but LW is a tool that gets out of the artists way as much as possible and allows them to create and create fast.
It factors in. Big time. Heres a screen capture of Pandaora in the realtime version. Receive stack of concept art for pretty much each and every plant. Usually it was a ton of material and we had to get thru it quickly so that James Cameron could see them in the realtime environment. Build the asset 3. At a bar with his friend he picks a fight with a man who was hitting his girlfriend. However, he is thrown out by the doorman into a back alley. Two men then approach him to tell him about his twin brother Tommy's death and the proposal of taking his brother's place.
Go for de-orbit burn at niner. She reveals her dead, obviously killed by the mercenaries as well as Norm once had a relationship with her.
The second addition: After Grace insists Jake eat something, he sees a picture of Grace teaching a few Na'vi at school, two of them being a young Neytiri and her twin Sylwanin. She describes what happened on the day Sylwanin was killed and how the school was abandoned. After the marines vacate the lab and prepare for retaliation, there is an extension of the scene which reveals that the marines wanted and planned for a war with the Na'vi.
The small sequence that happens in the theatrical version after that was removed. There is also the alternative Family-friendly audio track, which substitutes profane words with a more clean words. James Cameron said in an interview that the track was included when his young son complained on hearing that accidentally while playing the movie. The film's 3D and home video release presents the film open-matte, at an aspect ratio of 1.
Getting Started Contributor Zone ». Edit page. Holt also gave the film some scientific clout, suggesting that Cameron use signal transduction to explain how Pandora's plants communicate. Editing of Avatar happened as the movie was being filmed. How do you cut together a film that will eventually be almost entirely virtual but is derived from live-action performances?
He and fellow editor Stephen Rivkin looked at all the live-action footage shot on the Volume and edited the various takes together into what they called a performance edit. But we have to start somewhere to see if we have the performance we want. When Cameron would sign off on those performances, the files were sent to Weta, which would play them back sometimes months later to create the virtual shots that made the film.
The futuristic weapons in Avatar were props, but just barely. The weapons the invading Marines carried in Avatar couldn't be your typical military machinery rented from a prop house—the AMP suit is proof enough of that. If you didn't know, you would think they were real.
This is a testament to how thorough Jim is and how thorough Weta is at execution. Everything was thought out quite thoroughly during this movie, every detail. Type keyword s to search. However, the titanotheres flee from a thanator palulukan , a terrifying land predator. Grace shouts at her group to flee. Jake runs from the thanator, who is after him, and loses most of his equipment and weapon in the process.
He narrowly escapes death from the predator and falls into raging rivers below. As darkness falls, Jake creates a fire torch using a sap substance on the trees, and once more runs and fights a large group of small sized viperwolves nantang.
Neytiri is at first angry with Jake for having caused her to kill the viperwolves needlessly and leaves him. Jake goes after Neytiri, who tells him not to follow as she knows he is an avatar hybrid - a dreamwalker from the Sky People. Grace arranges the movement of the avatar team to a remote camp in the Hallejuiah Mountains after finding out from Dr. Max Patel that Jake has been having regular communications with Quaritch about the Na'vi. He tells Quaritch that he will attempt to convince the tribe once he is made part of the People, a ceremony granting the greatest honor to an avatar.
That night, Jake undergoes the ceremony where Eytukan considers him as one of their own and made part of the People, with Grace and Neytiri looking on.
Jake is now part of the Omaticaya clan, and with this he can choose his mate; he and Neytiri choose each other and spend that night mating at the Tree of Voices , and they are now mated for life. When Jake and Neytiri awake, they encounter several bulldozers, sent by the RDA, destroying the nearby forests.
Returning to the Hometree, Tsu'tey confronts him for mating with Neytiri. Before anything else can happen, Jake and Grace are suddenly sent back to their human bodies when soldiers sent by Quaritch arrive and open their link units to take them back by force.
Given a chance to attempt a final plea to the tribe to leave their home, Jake and Grace return to their avatar forms but the Na'vi refuse to listen after Jake reveals he was sent by his superiors to convince them to move.
They are bound and labelled as traitors by the Na'vi who intend to defend themselves. A large strike force led by Quaritch destroys the Hometree, firing incendiary rounds that topple it to the ground, while killing large numbers of the tribe, despite their attempts to retaliate. Eytukan is killed in the destruction, leaving Neytiri devastated.
She tells Jake to stay away when he tries to comfort her. In the chaos, Jake and Grace are sent back to their original bodies to be placed under arrest for treason, along with Norm, who tried to stop the military from disabling their avatar forms.
Trudy Chacon rescues the avatar team from prison and flies them to safety, however Grace is shot by Quaritch when he attempts to stop them from leaving the colony. The team has the camp container holding the avatar transfer pods sent near the Tree of Souls , where the remaining Omaticaya tribe has fled to safety. This is done by trying to have her consciousness transferred permanently into her avatar form, using the Tree of Souls, before her human body expires.
However, it is too late, as Grace is too weak to be transferred.