What will lasik surgery fix
LASIK only corrects for vision at one distance, but patients with presbyopia may need correction for both near and far vision. LASIK corrects vision by reshaping the cornea.
However, the loss of near vision from presbyopia is a result of loss of flexibility and elasticity of the lens of the eye, and LASIK cannot prevent the natural aging process of the lens. LASIK can provide distance and correction for some near tasks by utilizing a monovision treatment. This procedure corrects your dominant eye for distance vision and your non-dominant eye with some near vision ability.
You can undergo a contact lens trial that will show you if monovision would work for you. Keratoconus is when your corneas become thin and weak, resulting in blurred vision and eyes that are cone-shaped in appearance. If left untreated, glaucoma can result in extreme vision loss and even blindness. LASIK cannot address vision loss caused by glaucoma. However, if your glaucoma is being successfully treated, LASIK may still be used to correct any vision loss caused by refractive errors. Cataracts are another frequently age-related eye condition that occurs when the proteins in the lens of your eye begin to degrade.
When this breakdown occurs, the lens becomes cloudy vision problems arise. LASIK cannot address clouded lenses caused by cataracts. During the LASIK procedure, the laser may cut some of the nerves in your cornea that detect when your eye needs extra lubrication. It is typical for patients to experience dry eyes for a short time after LASIK—as well as for most dry eye symptoms to subside after one month.
However, patients who already naturally struggle with dry eyes should consult with their ophthalmologist to see whether LASIK is right for them. Refractive errors are measured in units called diopters. If a patient is nearsighted in one eye and farsighted in the other, LASIK can be adjusted to correct the specific refractive area found in each eye.
Patients typically wear bifocals to address presbyopia, the loss of flexibility in the cornea described above. However, with early detection and treatment, you can often prevent serious vision loss.
Changing the shape of the cornea brings light rays out of focus. As a result, your vision is blurry and distorted, making daily tasks like reading or driving difficult.
A cornea specialist should monitor your vision and keratoconus for treatment. LASIK corrects refractive errors. Refractive errors are the way the eye focuses light — an eye that can see correctly will bend light coming into it correctly, whereas an eye with a refractive error has difficulties doing so, resulting in blurred vision.
Refractive errors are not an eye disease, because it is actually based on the way your eye is shaped or structured. This is because the cornea or natural lens is shaped more like a football than like a basketball. This causes light to focus unevenly. Presbyopia is a condition that develops later in life. This is not a refractive error; instead, it is a condition where the eye lens becomes more rigid, making it increasingly difficult to focus on objects up-close.
Most people over age 40 will naturally get presbyopia and need reading glasses to see menus, text messages, bottle labels and more. During this procedure, one eye is corrected to have distance vision while the other is left slightly nearsighted for good close up vision. Boling Vision Center and Insight Surgery Center have agreed to comply with the provisions of the Federal Civil Rights Act of and all requirements imposed pursuant thereto to the end that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, religious creed, or disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or otherwise be subject to discrimination in the provision of any care or service.
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